Monday, October 27, 2008

More firsts

Have you ever noticed that first-time parents take a lot of pictures of their first child? I guess we're not so weird afterall.

Micah has reached the stage where if he's not sleeping or eating, he's pretty much crying. He's not JUST crying... He's whimpering, screaming, kicking, and generally inconsolable. When he's NOT crying, eating, or sleeping (which doesn't happen much), he gets "tummy time" (which he hates).

It's very rare when he's awake and looking around. The nice thing about when he's sleeping is we can get things done. The house hasn't been messier.

This weekend, we had a few more firsts:
  • First nail clipping
  • First day at church
  • First Halloween party
  • First party at all
  • First stroller ride (probably last of the year)

As I mentioned before, Micah had his first Halloween party.
We needed a costume.
Holly saw this little tiger costume a couple months ago. She couldn't resist. Unfortunately, we weren't sure how big he'd be so we bought it in a 0-3 month size.
As suggested, we have attached below a family picture.
At last, he's sleeping. Further proof that he's cutest when he's quiet.
Happy halloween!


Julie and Nate said...

Here's another first for you... Kayson and Kenlie are very excited to see Micah for the first time this weekend! Yay! I love the tiger costume... he looks adorable!

Jackson Family said...

You guys are so cute! Micah is adorable in that little tiger costume! I'm happy for you guys!

Jcjohns said...

I love the tiger costume!!! Micah is so cute.. I remember that stage with Rowan, he was usually crying a lot between 10pm and 1 am! it was aweful until my mom found out he wanted to sleep with a bright light on him!!! that lasted for about a month and he outgrew it...than he was fussy if he wasn't in his pj's by dark and out of them first thing in the morning! They are so fun but a lot of work! Miss you guys tonz.

Justen said...

Hey you guys. Love your posts. When are we getting together again. Thursday? Errrr, how about next Thursday?