Friday, October 10, 2008

First post!

So we never planned on getting a blog. When I say "We" I actually mean "I" (meaning Jimmy). I never saw the use for one. However, Holly has always wanted one... so here we are! Blogging!

I'm not exactly sure how to start a blog. Holly's not available. She's taking care of the baby. Hey! I'll talk about the baby.

His name is Micah James Suisse. Born at 10:36am on October 2nd 2008. 7 pounds (0 ounces) and 21 inches long. He was kind of a "conehead" when he was born, so when they measured him 5 days later, he was 19.7 inches long.

We've spent the last week feeding him, changing him, burping him, rocking him, comforting him, dressing him, cleaning him, and basically being parents. I'll tell you what. This little guy has run us ragged. At least he's one good looking young man (he gets that from me).

Anyhoo, unless you're some sort of weirdo who likes to read the posts of random people, we're going to assume you already know a little about us. So we're not going to delve too much into the past. Besides, our childhoods were kind of boring. Not much to say there.

I'll just mention we have roots in Cache Valley, Utah and we were married in December of 2005. We like to eat, sleep, play games, and when we feel up to it, dance. We don't have that many hobbies. But that's okay. We have a baby. He's our hobby.
I guess that about wraps it up for this post. If we can figure out how this all works, we'll probably post again.


Unknown said...

First comment! I win! Yeah, you may kiss my ring.

Oh, and by the way...CONGRATULATIONS!!

Tami said...

Welcome to the blogging world and congrats on the new addition. Say good bye to those blissful hours of uninterupted sleep, they're gone!

Jackson Family said...

Hey Guys!
Congrats on the little guy! He's a cutie! Hope everything is going well! Miss you all!


Cory said...

Yeah!!! Baby is so cute and welcome to the blogging world.