Monday, October 27, 2008

More firsts

Have you ever noticed that first-time parents take a lot of pictures of their first child? I guess we're not so weird afterall.

Micah has reached the stage where if he's not sleeping or eating, he's pretty much crying. He's not JUST crying... He's whimpering, screaming, kicking, and generally inconsolable. When he's NOT crying, eating, or sleeping (which doesn't happen much), he gets "tummy time" (which he hates).

It's very rare when he's awake and looking around. The nice thing about when he's sleeping is we can get things done. The house hasn't been messier.

This weekend, we had a few more firsts:
  • First nail clipping
  • First day at church
  • First Halloween party
  • First party at all
  • First stroller ride (probably last of the year)

As I mentioned before, Micah had his first Halloween party.
We needed a costume.
Holly saw this little tiger costume a couple months ago. She couldn't resist. Unfortunately, we weren't sure how big he'd be so we bought it in a 0-3 month size.
As suggested, we have attached below a family picture.
At last, he's sleeping. Further proof that he's cutest when he's quiet.
Happy halloween!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Suck your toe

So I was just noticing that every one of our posts start with the word SO. So what? I suppose it adds an air of informality and familiarity. Think about it.
  • So I was thinking...
  • So the baby woke up in the middle of the night and...
  • So at work today...
  • So the doctor told me...
  • So a priest, a nun, and a rabbi...

See? It just works. However, for the sake of sanity, I'll try to change it up a little. That's okay. You're not reading this because of my literary genius. You're probably bored. I'm sure you'd like to read more about us and less about my meandering musings (take a gander at the title).
Fine. Micah had his 2-week checkup today. He's healthy. He's put on a little weight. He's grown a little. Right now, he's about in the 5oth percentile in weight and head size but he's in the 75th for length. It looks like he's gonna be tall and skinny.

Go figure.
I recorded another video of him today. We caught a brief smile-like face. He was probably filling his diaper, but I'm going to say he smiled. The picture to the left is one of the video frames.

Well, I guess that just about wraps it up for my day. All I do is work and take care of Micah and Holly. I suppose that isn't a horrible life.
I'll leave you with one more picture. I think it's very appropriate for the time of the year (late October).


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A laugh and a smile

So today Micah gave me a pleasant surprise. After his lunch he was sleeping in my arms while I read and I heard him laugh! It sounded almost like a whole bunch of hiccups really close together. At first I thought I must be mistaken but then he did it again and grinned. This is his first laugh and smile that I can say are actually those and not just wishful thinking on my part. I laid him down and ran to get the camera so I could take a video of these events but he didn't oblige me by repeating them. Oh well, I guess daddy will just have to hear his laugh another time.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ever changing... Is this good?

So today we noticed Micah is still little. Still cute. Still helpless. Still stinky. However, he's still growing up. In the 9 days or so since he was born, we've had several firsts:

  • First cry

  • First poop

  • First barf

  • First blowout

  • First sneeze

  • First smile

You get the idea.

Today, he had another two firsts:

  • First laugh (sure, it was a short, kind of giggly laugh in his sleep, but it was still his first laugh. We haven't gotten him to repeat it yet)

  • First pee in the face (he's a boy. It's inevitable)

Yeah. I'm sure all of you who have male children are just shaking your heads and saying, "Little do you know... muah hah hah HAAAAAHHH!!!!"

Anydangways, Micah is still extremely cute... especially when he's not screaming. We have noticed that he usually cries when he's hungry or messy. Other than that, he's pretty even-tempered. I'm really glad he's photogenic, though. I'm counting on you being so taken by the cute little guy on the right that you'll miss the fact that I'm rambling.

I guess the main point I wanted to emphasize was the fact that he peed in his face today. Sure, it's common, but hey! He actually took it in good humor. He only complained when I tried to wipe his face off.

Oh well... not everyone can say they urinated in their own eye. Not even Micah... He can't talk.

So to finish off, here's a little video we recorded of him this evening:


Friday, October 10, 2008

First post!

So we never planned on getting a blog. When I say "We" I actually mean "I" (meaning Jimmy). I never saw the use for one. However, Holly has always wanted one... so here we are! Blogging!

I'm not exactly sure how to start a blog. Holly's not available. She's taking care of the baby. Hey! I'll talk about the baby.

His name is Micah James Suisse. Born at 10:36am on October 2nd 2008. 7 pounds (0 ounces) and 21 inches long. He was kind of a "conehead" when he was born, so when they measured him 5 days later, he was 19.7 inches long.

We've spent the last week feeding him, changing him, burping him, rocking him, comforting him, dressing him, cleaning him, and basically being parents. I'll tell you what. This little guy has run us ragged. At least he's one good looking young man (he gets that from me).

Anyhoo, unless you're some sort of weirdo who likes to read the posts of random people, we're going to assume you already know a little about us. So we're not going to delve too much into the past. Besides, our childhoods were kind of boring. Not much to say there.

I'll just mention we have roots in Cache Valley, Utah and we were married in December of 2005. We like to eat, sleep, play games, and when we feel up to it, dance. We don't have that many hobbies. But that's okay. We have a baby. He's our hobby.
I guess that about wraps it up for this post. If we can figure out how this all works, we'll probably post again.