Micah is now almost two months old and he has certainly grown a lot. It seems like he is heavier every time I pick him up. This is such a fun time to be at home with Micah since his personality is starting to show up! He loves to talk, stretch, and eat (especially eat). He now follows things with his eyes and in the mornings he'll delight mommy with a bunch of big smiles. Only in the mornings though, he's kinda grouchy the rest of the day.

He has also grown to enjoy bath time which he use to hate. And yes he likes to eat the nearby thumb of whoever is holding him up. However, as soon as you take him out of the bath he starts fussing (I think it's because he's cold). It looks like Micah inherited another trait from his father: very little patience. When Micah wants something (i.e. to eat, be picked up, have a diaper changed) he wants it five minutes ago.
A week ago Micah surprised me by rolling over from his tummy to his back (he has now done this a grand total of three times) and almost as amazing I actually managed to get the first two times on video! So, for your viewing enjoyment I have uploaded his very first time rolling over! I'm not sure if he enjoyed it (it certainly sounds like he didn't).
All of these neat things started happening in the past week or so. Poor Jimmy missed them since he was in Austin on a week long business trip. So he got to be surprised by how much his son changed in that little time. I was up visiting Jimmy's family during that week (my stay got extended due to car troubles). It was a very nice visit but unfortunately I didn't have his swing with me. He really likes his swing and it would have been helpful to have so that I didn't have to rock him all day. Oh well, it's a good workout anyway. Jimmy goes on another week long trip in December and I don't look forward to him being gone. I'll probably go see my mom this time. Anyway, I should go now as I still haven't packed for visiting family this Thanksgiving. I'll leave you all with a cute picture of Micah sleeping in his swing.
