Friday, July 31, 2009

10 Months

Well, I intended to blog at least when Micah reached 9 months but that just didn't happen. So here we are, 2 days until Micah is 10 months old. The time is passing way to fast! To give an update to those who haven't seen him in a bit: At 9 months Micah had grown from 18.1 pounds (75th percentile) to 20lbs 7 ounces (50th percentile). Although he lost some percentage points in weight he still remains in the 80th percentile with height (just over 28 inches). His head has thankfully gone down to the 80th percentile as well.

Micah started crawling a little after 8 months and started cruising 2 weeks after that. I was a little worried when he still wasn't babbling at his 9 month appointment but he finally started a little over a week ago. Although he is fairly shy around strangers and relectant to talk in front of them.
I finally gave Micah his first haircut when I could no longer deny that it was needed. He wasn't to thrilled with the whole hair cutting experience. Unfortunately, once his hair was cut Jimmy and I both agreed that it made him look kinda geeky. Oh well, I guess that's his genes coming through. Here are some before and after pictures:

Micah really likes the water! He splashes like crazy in the bath tub and soaks the whole room. And nothing is more fun then when mommy finally gets out the swimming pool for him to splash outdoors. Of the two pool pictures included, the more clothed one is at a slightly younger age. I kinda forgot to put on his swimsuit for the later one.

On the same day as he last played in the pool Micah helped mommy look through the ads that came in the mail. I think he just might be even more into that then me!
Micah is finally tending to sleep through the night! There are still the occasional rough times but they are becoming fewer and further between. Usually if he wakes up now he puts himself back to sleep quickly. Unfortunately he is like his mommy in that he's a light sleeper. Noise WILL wake this baby. But on the bright side he sleeps in all sorts of different positions like his daddy, so there are lots of great photo opportunities.
It has been a crazy summer filled with lots of family activities. During July we attended the Olsen reunion and later visited the park. Micah had a good time at the park but probably would have been happier if he wasn't so tired. Here's a picture of Micah's exciting reaction to seeing his first bald eagle:

We've also had fun trying out different recipes on our new grill. We even had a picnic in our backyard once!

Jimmy's been keeping busy with work, gardening, and trying to tame a lawn that grows way to fast. I have proven again how much of a clutz I am. I slipped going down some stairs and my foot met the gate at the bottom. After the epic battle I am sorry to announce that the gate won. Now I have five stiches in-between my toes and couldn't take Micah for a walk or to the pool. Well, that's a quick overview of the last three months. Ta-da! See ya later!



Julie and Nate said...

Thanks for sharing all the cute pics! When Kayson was about that age, I would always come in with the junk mail and hand it to him... ripping up junk mail was his favorite past-time. Brings back memories.

Stephanie said...

Wow he is so big!! I'm sad we live so far away :( Time goes so fast and life is so busy. We'll have to give you a call sometime.