Friday, January 16, 2009

More pictures of Micah

Alright... it's been a while since our last [informative] post. Let's see... what's happened in the last two months? I've taken two business trips to Texas, Holly's been home 24/7 with the baby, and Micah has been eating, pooping, and crying. That about summarizes the last several weeks.

Last month, the company I work for announced it will be laying off around 10% of its workforce in January. Odds are, we'll be fine. We'll know what's going on within a week....


This year, we decided to come up with a plan to keep our resolutions. We made a calendar and gave ourselves a big reward if we keep it. Of course, the money we spend on the reward is our already, but we try not to think about that.

Alright. I'm having a hard time coming up with content for this article. Soooo, here are afew pictures.

This last picture (on the right) makes me laugh.
Anyhoo, 'til next time!


Cory said...

He is getting so big! I wish you guys luck in not getting laid off. If you do Arizona is hiring EE's like crazy, in fact Cory's job is still hiring!

Julie and Nate said...

That last picture... like father like son! Cute boy!