Saturday, January 31, 2009

Last night, we signed a contract to buy a house in Stansbury (I suppose you can assume I kept my job...). Here's the information on the property we're buying:

-Closing the deal on February 27th
-1600 sq. feet
-0.14 acres (kind of small, but normal for Stansbury)
-4 bedroom 2.5 bath
-Built in 2004
-Right next to the new High School track.

It's been tough for Holly to convince me we wanted the house. I gave in, eventually when I realized my misgivings were about spending a large sum of money I don't have and not about the house itself. I actually like the place. The only thing I may not like is the proximity of a high school.

Anyhoo, here are some more pictures of our little drool factory as I explain what else is going on in our lives.

So the little one is getting bigger and more active. Thursday night, he slept his first 8 hours straight. Unfortunately, I think it was a fluke, since he woke up again at 3am this morning. Normally, he's sleeping 5 hours before he gets hungry. So far, Holly's been really good about tasking care of him and letting her husband sleep... knock on wood...

Monday, he turns 4 months old. We're hoping to start him on some solids soon, pending approval of his pediatrician.

Well, that's about all I can think of that's at least a little interesting... unless you'd like the uninteresting stuff:

We are going to teach dance to the ward's youth two weeks from Tuesday.

Two more days until we can buy a TV.
Holly's currently reading "Persuasion" by Jane Austen.

Holly's also the ward choir director. We're working on a hymn medley of "Where Can I Turn For Peace" and "Our Savior's Love" arranged by Brandon. It's really a cool piece, but I'm not sure if our choir can do it justice. Come to think of it, we'll be moved out by then. I wonder how that will work out...

I'm still teaching the 5-year-old primary class. My co-teacher has
shown up twice this year. He's kind of a busy guy, I guess.

I'm wondering how I'm going to get our other car registered before Holly has to take Micah to the doctor for his 4-month checkup. We lost our safety inspection sheet and the place that did the inspection didn't register it with the UHP. They do, however, have record of me paying for one. They offered to re-inspect the car for free. Now, the tricky part how to get the car to the shop to get it inspected without someone
pulling us over for driving an un-registered vehicle...?

Anyhoo, I think I'm done. If you made it this far, I owe you a candy bar.


Friday, January 16, 2009

More pictures of Micah

Alright... it's been a while since our last [informative] post. Let's see... what's happened in the last two months? I've taken two business trips to Texas, Holly's been home 24/7 with the baby, and Micah has been eating, pooping, and crying. That about summarizes the last several weeks.

Last month, the company I work for announced it will be laying off around 10% of its workforce in January. Odds are, we'll be fine. We'll know what's going on within a week....


This year, we decided to come up with a plan to keep our resolutions. We made a calendar and gave ourselves a big reward if we keep it. Of course, the money we spend on the reward is our already, but we try not to think about that.

Alright. I'm having a hard time coming up with content for this article. Soooo, here are afew pictures.

This last picture (on the right) makes me laugh.
Anyhoo, 'til next time!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas time!!!!

This may be a bit late, but here are a few of the "cuter" Micah pictures taken around Christmas:

Happy Holidays!